Change ID Login Password

Q: How i can submit issue about Change ID Login Password on self-service center 91CLUB ?
A: If you forgot your password, we have two way for recover your account password by receiving OTP code that we will separate as “Before Login” and “After Login” by the following step :

After Login
1. Login to your 91CLUB ID ACCOUNT
2. Click Customer Service button
3. Choose Change ID Login Password
4. Choose “Can Receive”
5. Fill the new password.
6. Click Send the verification code and the code will send to phone number you register
7. After receive the verification code, fill the verification code.
8. Click “Confirm”

Before Login
1. Go Login Page
2. Click Forgot password
3. Enter a phone number equal to your registration number.
4. Create your new password (min 8 characters with big-small characters)
5. Confirm the new password.
6. Click Send button and the verification code will send to phone number you register
7. After receive the verification code, fill the verification code.
8. Click I have read and agree [Privacy Agreement], then click Reset.
9. Press reset button


Q: How i can create my password please inform me
A: To create unique password must with BIG and SMALL letters with numbers and cannot using characters like period or underscore.
example: QWERtyu1
We recommend to set a strong password to avoid stealing accounts and do not show your password to another

If you cannot reset your password with the step above, you need to submit on the customer service self-service center and submit all requirement to “Change ID login password”and there will have two method of how to submit in this issue that we will divide as “Before Login” and “After Login” by the following step by step below :

After Login
1. Login to your 91CLUB ID ACCOUNT
2. Click Customer Service button
3. Choose Change ID Login Password
4. Choose “Cannot Receive”
5. Fill the new password that you want to use in the future
6. Upload the selfie picture while you are holding your bank passbook
7. Upload the selfie picture while you are holding your identity card
8. Upload the latest deposit receipt that you made in your ID account
9. Press “Confirm”

NOTE: Make sure all the data and requirement already fill and upload, clear and detail.


Before Login
1. Visit our 91CLUB official link at :
2. Press Customer Service Icon
3. Press Change ID Login Password
4. Fill in the correct ID account
5. Fill the new password that you want to use in the future
6. Upload the selfie picture while you are holding your bank passbook
7.Upload the selfie picture while you are holding your identity card
8.Upload the latest deposit receipt that you made in your ID account
9.Press “Confirm”
NOTE: Make sure all the data and requirement already fill and upload, clear and detail.


Q: How do i check my status issue Change ID Login Pass on self-service center 91CLUB ?
A: You can check the status issue by pressing the “Progress Query” for checking all the order record status that you have been submitted to self-service center

Q: I already checking and the status in here already success and there is a notes Success "Success Change Password, New Password: ***" what is that mean ?
A: For that mean 91CLUB account department already success to modify the password on your account and you can try to login again using new password that our team provided to you

Q: What about with status reject i need to know if my Change ID Login Password issue get reject by 91CLUB account department?
A: Okay rest assured we will help to explain to you there is few notes rejection you need to know we will give explanation on this below:
1.Rejected "Please provide selfie picture while you are holding your identity card (AADHAR Card / PAN Card / Driving License)": this mean the selfie picture that you provide is not meet the requirement and you need to resubmit the selfie picture while you are holding the requirement card
2.Rejected “Please provide the selfie photo holding your identity card, provide the correct selfie photo holding your bank card, and provide your last deposit receipt” : this mean all the selfie picture that you provide is incorrect and you need to resubmit the correct selfie picture as the requirement
3.Rejected “Provide the complete details of your last deposit receipt that you made in your ID account” : this mean the deposit receipt that you provide is incorrect and not match to the deposit record that you made in your ID account, kindly resubmit the correct of your latest deposit receipt that you made in your ID account.
4.Rejected “Provide all the necessary data clear and detailed” : this mean all the necessary data or picture that you provide is not clear/blur or not totally showing all the details information. Kindly resubmit the correct data and make all the picture is clear and detailed.